zak smith

Zak Smith's show at Fredericks & Freiser should be seen. Midnight in the Empire consists of paintings and drawings, all finely made, as well as a new "Girls In The Naked Girl Business" installment, his ongoing series of acquaintances in the sex industry. This show proves once again that Smith is extremely talented, and has interesting stories to tell.
Zak Smith
Midnight in the Empire
Fredericks & Freiser
536 W. 24th Street
October 10 - November 29
isabel and other intimate strangers

Gagosian on Madison Avenue's newest exhibit brings together portraits by Giacometti and Francis Bacon. Isabel and Other Intimate Strangers "explores the enduring fascination of Giacometti and Bacon with the existential challenges and ineffable mysteries of the human figure and psyche, explored throughout their careers in the portraits, or likenesses, that they produced of close friends and family." Perhaps the most famous of these models was Isabel Rawsthorne.
Isabel and Other Intimate Strangers
Gagosian Gallery
980 Madison Avenue
November 4 - December 13
after hippolytus

Darragh Martin's new play "After Hippolytus" will be staged this weekend at the Gene Frankel Theatre, followed immediately by "The Rainbow Monologues", eight "short and sharp new works that dip into the queer spectrum from the red heat of a first kiss to the violet glow of an elderly couple's proudly purple house."
"After Hippolytus" and "The Rainbow Monologues"
The Gene Frankel Theatre
24 Bond Street
November 21 - 23
presented by the invisible company
jonas wood

Jonas Wood's work is kind of like Cezanne meets Leroy Neiman. Be sure to see his new show at Anton Kern, opening November 20th.
Jonas Wood
Anton Kern
532 W. 20th St.
November 20 - December 23
andy warhol

Paul Kasmin Gallery's new show features polaroids taken by Warhol between 1977 - 1983. The items photographed include shoes, knives, bananas and guns, and act as an interesting peak into Warhol's art making process. He was once quoted as referring to his cameras as his "pencil and paper".
Andy Warhol
Still-Life Polaroids
Paul Kasmin Gallery
511 W. 27th St.
October 29 - January 10
jason clay lewis

Jason Clay Lewis has a show at 31GRAND that should be seen. Always challenging, his work in Drop Dead Gorgeous "pushes the boundaries between empathy/apathy, desire/revulsion, poison/panacea, death/life, religion/blasphemy," leaving the viewer to ask: "Which is good? Which is bad? Are these judgments even possible?"
Jason Clay Lewis
Drop Dead Gorgeous
143 Ludlow Street
October 9 - November 9

There are thirty-five known Vermeers. The Frick owns three. Don't miss your chance to see them together on one wall for the first time in nearly ten years.
Frick's Vermeers Reunited
The Frick Collection
70th Street and 5th Avenue
June 3 - November 23