jasper johns

Jasper Johns has complimentary shows at The Met and Matthew Marks Gallery in Chelsea. "Jasper Johns: Gray", opening Tuesday at The Met, examines his use of the color gray in more than 120 works from the 1950s to the present. Examples of his flag and map encaustics will be included, pieces that encourage the viewer to look at and examine, rather than just see. "Jasper Johns: Drawings 1997 - 2007", at Matthew Marks, brings together 40 drawings from the past decade, showing that Mr. Johns remains a vibrant and relevant artist.
"Jasper Johns: Gray"
The Met
5th Ave at 100th St.
February 5 - May 4
"Jasper Johns: Drawings 1997 - 2007"
Matthew Marks Gallery
522 W. 22nd St
February 2 - April 12